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    If in case the product doesn’t suit you and you intend to claim a refund as we offer money back guarantee on all products that have not helped you recover, product can be returned to us and you can claim a refund which will take about 1 week including the processing and bank dispensation time.

    For international purchases, the total amount of the product excluding the delivery charges will be refunded.
    Please make sure that the products you intend to return back to us have original tags and labels no matter if the bottles are empty. Kindly keep the packaging safe so that its easier for you to get your money back and for us to process the refund.


    All international orders will be shipped within 24 hours after ordering the product. The product will reach you within 6-12 days depending on destination. You are adviced to kindly notify us if any address change within 24 hours of purchase because once the product has been shipped on the already mentioned address we will not be responsible for deliveries at the wrong address.
    Larry Shane GreenHouse Of Wellness believe in quick delivery of the products without causing any delays so that the patient can get their hands on the product as soon as possible. In case of technical delays or any technical mishap the product will get delayed and the customers will be informed over the phone or via e-mail whatever means of communication the customer provided at the time of ordering the product. The delays caused due to major environmental changes, war, fire, economic conditions of the country itself or other natural disasters require full cooperation from the customers in the form of patience and clemency.



    Larry Shane GreenHouse Of Wellness takes no legal charge or accountability for anything that might happen to you naturally after purchasing our herbal products. We legally claim that all our products are herbal and 100% legal in compliance with our local and federal laws. Still, if something happens to you naturally or your loved one due to the disease itself we shall not be held accountable unless proven that the herbal remedy has caused the problem.
    You are not allowed to re-sell products purchased from Larry Shane GreenHouse Of Wellness . Legal action will be taken against clients who distribute our products without obtaining a distribution license from Larry Shane GreenHouse Of Wellness .


    Any statement or overall content of this website is protected by copyright law. No one is allowed to copy the content available on this website or distribute without prior permission from the creators of this website. You are not allowed to edit, distribute, reproduce, or use the content for your personal use. All information has been posted on the website to assist our Patients.

    The site is owned, activated and functioned by Larry Shane GreenHouse Of Wellness . By using references such as “we” “us” or “our” we mean the overall company and the teams behind it. The content of this website, herbal products alongwith other relevant data provided for your information falls under the ownership of Larry Shane GreenHouse Of Wellness . The site has been protected and owned by the owners downright according to the federal and international copyright laws.